Welcome to RootDoctor.net! We are two European Hoodoo practitioner: Rev. Fred & Miss Marguerite.
With our herbs, candles, lodestones, talismans, mojo bags, and prayers we can heal difficult relationships and provide the spiritual means to attract blessings, serenity, good luck, love, prosperity, strength and health.
Our aim is to assist you in getting rid of your fears, guilt and self-sabotage, and give you strong protection. We will do out best to make all your powers flourish and to assist in becoming the master of your own existence.

The Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers (AIRR) is a gathering of professional practitioners of African American folk magic, hoodoo, conjure, and rootwork who provide psychic readings and spiritual root doctoring services to the public. AIRR promotes quality service and ethical conduct by means of accreditation and evaluation of our members. Unlike commercial online psychic reader services, AIRR s a membership-supported organization that receives no fees or kickbacks for referrals.